Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 37.djvu/204

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T. C. Elliott

long journey, first in the vicinity of our future labours. All of us here before God. It is not enough for us alone to be thankful. Will not my beloved friends the deciples of Jesus unite with us in gratitude & praise to God for his great Mercy. It is in answer to your prayers that we are here and are permitted to see this day under such circumstances. Feel to dedicate my [self] renewedly & unreservedly to his service, among the heathen & may the Lords hand be as evidently manifest in blessing our labours among them as it has been in bringing us here, & that too in answer to your prayers, beloved christian friends. "5th Mr and Mrs Spalding have concluded to go with us to Vancouver, as nothing can be done by either of the party about location, untill the Indians return from their Summer hunt Expect to leave tomorrow. Have had exceeding high winds for two days & nights past, to which this place is subject. Our room shakes and the wind makes such a noise, that we can scarcely hear each other converse.

“Sept 7th We set sail from W W yesterday 2 o'clock P.M. Our boat is an open one, maned with six oars & the steersman. I enjoy it much, it is a very plesant change in our manner of traveling. The Columbia is a beautiful (river). Its waters are clear as crystal & smoth as a sea of glass, exceeding in beauty the Ohio of the east. But the scenery on each side of it is very different. No timber to be seen. High perpendicular banks of rocks in some places, ruged bluffs and plains of sand is all that greets the eye, as we pass down the waters of this Majestic river, we sailed untill near sun set landed piched our tents, supped on tea bread & buter, boiled ham & potatoes, commited ourselves to the care of a kind Providence then retired to rest. This morn arrose before sunrise, embarked & have sailed untill nine o'clock & are now landed for breakfast. Mr Pambrans cook is preparing it while Husband & myself are seated by a little shrub in the sand writing. We are this moment called Farewell”

One and one half day's travel brought the party to the rock reef extending across the river at Celilo Falls, then called Des Chutes. These falls are at the south side but their night camp was near the station Wishram of the “North Bank” railroad.