Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 37.djvu/222

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T. C. Elliott

pantaloons today. all the gentlemen here were them for economy. Riding horseback & carrying a gun is very destructive to cloth pantaloons. Our Husbands have been making every preperation to leave us today, but have found so much to do as not to get ready to leave much before night. Have concluded to start the boat a short distance and camp, while they with Mr Pambran & Mr Gray remain in the fort to leave in the morning

21stOur friends left us this morning early.[1] One thing I should have mentioned as decided before they left, was the propriety of making two stations. After consideration it was concluded best to for several reasons. The Cayouses as well as the Nez Perces are very anxious to have teachers among them. They are a numerous tribe and speak the same language as the Nez Perces. There are many other fields open ready for the harvest. O! that there were many other labourers here ready to occupy them immediately. Several places have been recommended which they will visit before fixing upon any place. You will recollect that we had Grand Round in view when we left home, as a location. Our reasons for not fixing upon that place are insurmountable. The pass in the Blue Mount[ains] is so difficult & the distance so great, that it would be next to impossible to think of obtaining supplies sufficient for our support. We could not depend upon game for it is very scarce & uncertain. Mr Parker recommended a place on the Koos Koos ke river six day ride above W W. I hope to be able to give you our exact location before I send this.

"22dDoct McLaughlin has put his Daughter in my care & wishes me to hear her recitations. Thus I shall have enough to do for deversion while I stay. I could employ all my time in writing & work for myself if it were not for his wishes. I sing with the children every evening also which is considered a favour.

"23I have not given you a description of our eatables here There is such a variety I know not where to begin. For breakfast we have coffe or coaco, Salt Salmon & roast duck, wild, &

  1. The three missionaries, Whitman, Spalding and Gray.