Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 37.djvu/227

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The Coming of the White Women, 1836

Very impolite to send spittle to a friend. You will laugh at this I know, but so it is. We are both of us without a Seal & if I use wax I shall have to make a stamp of my thimble. How does Frances do C & J.G. I want to hear from them also Mary ann But when shall I? You will write me every one. I hope. I want to hear every one speak H & Livinia Clarissa & J.A.H. & Edward all all write Husband is so filled with business that he writes but little. He often speaks of writing you but says I must write for him untill he is less hurried in his business (he is far away now poor husband three hundred miles If I had wings I would fly) adieu

"I intended to have written this so plain that Father & Mother could read it without difficulty Perhaps I have failed in doing so."

Vancouver Nov 1st 1836

Dear Parents Brothers & Sisters

This is the last opportunity I shall have of writing you untill next Spring. We shall intend writing by the Montreal express, which leaves here in March. Possibly you may hear from us by that route, before you get this. We send these in the Ship Columbia, to Oahu, to the care of Rev Hiram Bingham, to be forward by the first opportunity. I expect to leave here tomorrow, for my future home among the Cayouses. Doct McLaughlin sends two boats to carry our baggage up the river. The water is very low at present in the river & we have had no rain yet of any consequence. We hope to have a favourable passage up. The lower the water is the safer passing those formadable obstructions, the Cascades Dalls &c. Usually the rain commences before this season & continues all winter, so we are told. We are greatly blessed in finding conveniences for building, housekeeping &c far, very far from our expectations when we left our home. The Company let us have goods as cheap as can be affoarded, & cheaper probably than we can get them from the States. They only charge us a hundred per cent more than the prime cost, or England prices. All their goods are of the best quality & will be durable. Husband has