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Letters of Charles Stevens

soldiers at the Dalles, to assis the emegrants. We fear there will be trouble, and suffering, on the road.

I think I shall visit the Sound country in 4 or 5 weeks. One of the men that went to Shoal Water with me has made him a clame on the Chehales.

Gen. Lane arived in Portland this morning in the steamer, they have been haveing a jollyfication there to night I should think, for they were fireing guns all the evening...

Strawberries have been ripe for some time, and if you will come out here in the summer after some blackberries, I will treat you to the best mess of Oisters and Salmon you ever eat-you need not be concerned about the quantity of fruit, for there will be a plenty of it,-I have said in another part of this letter that there is no grass here, but there is some, enough so that stock gets enough to make them look well— ..

They are intending to improve the river, and water power at Oregon Citty this summer, they intend putting in two or three dozen saws in one mill and four run of stone and all to be carried by one wheel, so I was told yesterday. The water is rising in the river very fast, it is backed up by the high water in the Columbia. . .

Affectionately Yours
Charles Stevens

Milwaukie, 28th May / 53

Dear Brother & Sister ......

A week ago yester morning I met with quite a mishap for me, rather worse than at any other time in my life, and it came in about as bad a time as it could. I had been helping a Mr. Allen to build a Flat Boat to go down to Bakers Bay in and to run on the Columbia in, in the forepart of the fall, and on the morning of the day above mentioned, we got it into the water, and then went after some stone with another boat to help turn it with. In the act of lifting a very large stone from a rock that was about breast high, it came in too and about two thirds of it fell on to my 4 toes on my right foot, smashed the bones in my big toe, and badly bruised the other three, and the end of my foot, so that I have only just got able to hobble around the house on crutches. But what makes it worse for me just (illegible text)