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document, with an introduction and notes by Charles L. Stewart, is printed in the Canadian Historical Review, June, 1936.

The articles in the Pacific Northwest Quarterly, July, 1936, are "Martial Law in Washington Territory," by Samuel F. Cohen; "Boy Editors of Frontier Montana," by Robert L. Housman; "The Diplomatic Mission of Sir John Rose, 1871," by Robert Carlton Clark; "Remininscences of Murdoch M. McPherson," edited by Harold C. Vedeler.

The Arizona Historical Review, July, 1936, prints a letter from Herman Ehrenberg to Governor Goodwin of Arizona, February 4, 1864, relating to the survey of a wagon route from La Paz to the Weaser mines. Ehrenberg was an early Oregon immigrant, having come with the Clarke party in 1840. In 1850 he was one of the explorers of the Klamath River and one of the founders of Klamath City in northern California

A note in the Missouri Historical Review, July, 1936, says that the burial place of fifteen of the forty-five members of the Lewis and Clark expedition is known, and of the fifteen, Clark, Ordway, Colter and Shannon are buried in Missouri. York, Clark's negro servant, is also believed to be buried in that state.

A sketch of the business enterprises of Simeon G. Reed, made from the collection of his papers at Reed College, Portland, by Dorothy O. Johansen, is printed in the Bulletin of the Business Historical Society, Baker Library, Boston, June, 1936.

William E. Smith describes the "Grave of Sarah Keys on the Oregon Trail," in the Kansas Historical Quarterly, May, 1936. Mrs. Keyes died May 29, 1846, while the immigrant trail was at the Independence crossing of the Big Blue.

The University of Colorado Studies, June, 1936, contains "The Non-Marine Mollusca of Oregon and Washington—Supplement," by Junius Henderson. The original report, to which this is a supplement, was printed in the Studies, 1929, pages 47-190.

The R. R. Bowker Company, New York, announce the early printing of one volume of a four-volume set entitled A History of Printing in the United States, by Douglas C. McMurtrie. The forthcoming volume will cover the middle and south Atlantic states. The remaining volumes will be issued at six-months intervals. Volume III will relate to the middle west and volume IV to the far west. It is interesting to note that this is the first history of American printing since the work of Isaiah Thomas came out in 1810.

Dr. Victor L. O. Chittick, professor of contemporary literature at Reed College, Portland, has accepted the literary editorship of Frontier and Midland, published at Helena, Montana, Dr. Harold G. Merriam, of the University of Montana, editor.