Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 37.djvu/324

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T. C. Elliott

the heat of the day, prepared us for a lengthy ride in the afternoon. Our ride today has not been so fatigueing or lengthy as yesterday. Rode from nine o'clock A M untill 1 o'clock P M in the same direction, south west as yesterday. Felt a calm and peaceful state of mind all day. Had sweet communion with him who delights to dwell with the humble & contrite in heart. Especial in the morning. I had a freedom in prayer for my beloved Parents. Earnestly desired that God would bless them in their declining years, & smoth their passage to the tomb; that in the absence of their earthly comforts, he would fill their souls with his more immediate presance, so that they may never have cause to regret the sacrifice they have made for his Name Sake. Father, accept the sacrifice & may they prove a blessing to the world.

24th Sab Eve.Our route today has been a very mountainous one. Came about eight miles. Painful as it is for me to journey on the Holy Sabbath, I have enjoyed notwithstanding a melting sense of the presence of that Being who has promised to be "with his deciples always." Found it good to rest my soul on this today. Although I can truly say "my soul thirsts yea even faints for the courts of my God," the word of his saints below; the privation has been made good to me by a rich supply from the fountain head God, the Father, Son & Holy Ghost. O blessed blessed privaledge, that such a sinner as I may have access to a mercy seat through such a Saviour as Jesus Christ. It is good to feel that he is all I want, & all my righteousness, & if I had ten thousand lives I would give them all to him. I long to be more like him, to possess more of his meek Spirit.

25thCame fifteen miles today. Very mountainous. Encamped on Smith's creeks[1] a small branch of Bear River. Bear River emties into Salt Lake (called on maps, Timpanogos) That Lake has not outlet & is said to be a great curiosity by those who have visited it. Large quantities of Salt may be obtained from the Shore and that of the finest quality. We do not expect to pass it, said to be a tedious route, no water or buffalo in going from it. Endured the ride today very well notwithstanding its difficulties. Very mountainous. Paths winding on the

  1. Near present Cokeville, Wyoming.