Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 37.djvu/328

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T. C. Elliott

here we passed through a grove of juniper & pich pine trees, & a small distance from them came to a large spring of soda water Clear as crystal, effervescing continually. It appeared of great depth. At a considerable distance below the surface, there were two white substances, in appearance like lumps of Soda in a concrete state. We took with us some soda & Acid to try the effect of a mixture & found that it effervesed with both, but the effervescence was greater with the Acid, than with the Soda. Drunk freely of the water, found it very pleasant. There were five or six other springs near Bear River which we did not visit, in consequence of loosing sight of part of our company & being obliged to hasten back. The ground in every direction was covered with lava. Gathered several fine specimans. We desired more time to visit other curiosities there but was unable to, for camp was moving from us continually. Rode in all thirty miles, & found them encamped under a bluff covered with black basalt.

31stOur ride was not lengthy today which I felt to be a great favour. Am nearly sick in consequence of excessive fatigue yesterday. Heat oppressive in the middle of the day.

August 1st(Monday) Monthly Concert day. How sweet & sacred the influence of this day upon the weary & solitary Missionary.

2ndHad an unusual long ride today. Heat excessive. Truly I thought "the Heavens over us were brass, & the earth iron under our feet." Our route for two or three days past has been quite level. But the same scenery prevails, rocks & sandy plains covered with a species of wormwood called sage of a pale green, offensive both to the sight & smell. We meet with frequent fertile spots however, often enough to furnish us & our animals with a comfortable Inn for the night. Had a feast of service berries today the first ripe ones we have seen. They are a small black berry, very sweet, something like the Pear in its flavour. Stoped & gathered some which rested me much, & answered the place of a dinner very well.

3dCame to Fort Hall,[1] this morning distance eight miles.

  1. Three and one half days travel from Soda Springs and fifteen and one half from Rendezvous, very good progress. We here have a picture of the original fort built and owned by Nathaniel Wyeth of Boston;