Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 37.djvu/60

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Jane Lewis Chapin

but God only knows when that will be. I have this winter recd an hundred pounds from Governor Simpson on your account, and have now in my hands about fifteen pounds remaining of that money. there was a small balance due me when John went to Montreal, besides £15:14.1½ due to Mr John McKenzie for sundries you had got from him yourself for John & which you had neglected paying when you went up. Mr. Esom also brought an additional amount last winter of £8:4. for necessaries. I have kept a regular account for your inspection, the money I have in my hands I expect will defray your son's expenses till next fall at which time he will have acquired a sufficient Knowledge of Arithmetic and Book Keeping to fit him for an other school his present master Mr Neagle cannot teach him any thing else. I make him in the meantime read French regularly with my son Mr Neagle tho he has been appointed French Schoolmaster for Terrebonne does not understand it so well as your son or mine. I cannot complain of your son tho he is not so much advanced in his education as I expected when I wrote you last Spring the truth is I was too sanguine. the development of the human mind requires time your son is now come to that period when his mind must expand, as I before told you I will do for the best that is to say deal with your son as with my own. I thought and do still think the best thing that can be done for the young man is to make him an Indian Trader, but Governor Simpson tells me the Company have determined to take none of these Young Men into their service (for reasons which he explained to me & which you must know) I do not think he would succeed as a Physician, he would have to go thro a long course of studies these boys are remarkable for want of steadiness and application, tho by no means deficient in understanding the next thing to being an Indian Trader I would advise you purchasing an Ensigncy for him. I think he would made a good soldier he is bold and quick in his motions a Commission would cost 400£ to make him a Merchant would cost you much more and I think he would not have an equal chance of success. Governor Simpson has promised to assist me in looking out for a place for him in Montreal which cannot be before next Spring, this would not prevent you purchasing a Commission for him for we cannot and will not bind him, whilst writing in Counting