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McLoughlin Letters, 1827–49

Valuable Institution as it is not only an Agreeable place to Dissipate Ennui But Valuable from the oppertunities it affords of Acquiring information these Young Mens Societies have done immense Good wherever they have been formed With Best Wishes Believe me to Be My Dear John

Your Affectionate Cousin
John McLoughlin


Terrebonne 12 April 1835

Mr John McLoughlin


I have this moment been informed that the canoes for the North West are to sett off from Lachine the 20th 1st. I yesterday wrote to Mr. Keith in answer to his letter of [blot) in which he expressed a wish to wait for the arrival of Mr. Finlayson who was hourly expected he Mr. K. says that Mr. Finlayson might explain your fathers views &c—in my letter of yesterday I explained more fully my reasons for requesting a passage for you I hope he will consent you will on receipt of this letter call immediately on Mr. Keith and request of him as a particular favor to procure you a passage to Fort Vancouver Columbia river. You know or ought to know that I have not the means to maintain you in Montreal that your father tho' much richer than myself would not support at the rate you have lately done.

You will let me know the result of your visit as soon as possible you have no time to lose. You have not yet sent me the statement I requested of you and shown how your money was expended. If you go to the Columbia (which I most earnestly wish) you will account to your father in the meantime you must not expect any money from me before I receive the statement I demanded of you I am apprehensive you will not have time to visit your sister in Quebec. I expected the Canoes would not leave Lachine before May, but they are advertised for the 20th Apl this however (may) have been done to make the men come to Lachine where they may wait a few days more Mr. Keith will inform you when it will be necessary for you to come to Lachine. you must be very attentive not to come too late it is better you should be there a day or two too soon and wait for your passage I again repeat you will let me know immedi-