Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 37.djvu/72

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Jane Lewis Chapin

a Hat, Stockings cotton drawers and when I get those article I shall not trouble you any More of any thing

I remain Yours
J Macloughlin


Fort Vancouver 14th Feby 1836

My Dear Uncle

I have now before me your two favors of the 16th and 19th April and of course it is unnecessary for me to say how much I am grieved at the cause which made it necessary for you to take so much trouble on my account and I did not Expect when I learned that my Brother had handed his letter to me of March 1834 to John to Read that he would have shown such Want of respect to me and Ingratitude to my Brother for pardoning the trouble he had given him as only Four Days after this to commit an act (my Brother does not write me what it is and he ought to have done so) Which obliged my Brother to send him away and as he is spending more Money than is necessary and Neglecting his Studies It is Evident that what has occurred to him has not affected him as it ought and that he is destitute of that becoming pride which would make him feel ashamed at his time of life after so much Money has been spent on him so much pains taken with him and such Excellent Opportunities afforded him to see that he is not yet qualified to Earn his own livelihood and that he must yet be Indebted for his support to the labor of an other and though he must be aware of his own Deficiency and as he writes me "de me dire dans votre prochaine quelle somme vous desirez que je tire sur vous jusqu'a ce que je suis recu Medicin c'est a dire par annee" and yet Instead of Studying hard to make up for his past Errors he is Idling his time. But this is too painful a subject to dwell on and I will only say if he had felt one hundreth of what I feel he would have acted differently and all that I will now do is to Request, if you find that he conducts himself a Gentleman, and though he ought long before this to have completed his Education, still if you have continued him at it if he applies himself Zealously to his studies and shows by his conduct that he is sensible of his Errors and is fully determined to reform you will allow him any Sum you consider necessary Under a hundred and fifty pounds Halli-