Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 37.djvu/78

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Jane Lewis Chapin

Exertions retrieved his character and would limit his Expenses to the lowest possible amount, to Mere Necessaries. But instead of this you see he is neglecting his studies and spending as much Money as he can get and descends to the Meanness of begging it from every one he thinks will let him have it. What Else is it that he is doing. Mr Moffatt let him have the sum he did on his pressing Entreaty as he was actually under Arrest when Mr Moffatt paid the Money and if I refused to Allow credit to Mr Moffatt for it how is John to pay. Is it not insulting me in the highest degree to presume to draw on me or even ask for money on my Account after neglecting to obey, and if he refuses to do this he must stand the consequence, and support himself. Gov. Simpson writes me John applied to him for a passage to this Country which he refused that he then asked to Enter the Service, which was also refused. Is he such a fool as to suppose that people will Engage a person in this Service who has shown so Untractable a Desposition as to Disagree with his Relations and Guardians When people Engage others they only Engage those who are anxious to do their Duty and desirous of giving satisfaction to all who have any control over them. But excuse my Warmth of Expression and Allow me to conclude this to me very painful subject As I am desirous to give him every fair chance. if as I wrote you last year he Conducts himself as a Gentleman and if he Endeavours to the Utmost to make up for his past misconduct by applying as Zealously as he possibly can to his Studies you will please Allow him any sum you think Necessary Under a hundred and fifty pounds Halifax pr Annum But if he acts improperly or will not apply to his Studies You will please not to Allow him one farthing on my Account since he whl not do as I wish and he ought he must support himself. That he could for a moment suppose at his time of life after spending as much as I have on him that he will get one farthing from me. Unless he Earned it by his Good Conduct I consider as insulting to me does he think that I undergo privations to Earn Money for him to spend in the Way he seems determined to do But let me drop this and pray that God may of his Mercy lead him to see the Error of his ways and make him reform you disapprove of my sending David to France But the fact is that in 1833 My Brother wrote me "I have great pleasure in telling you that your Son