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McLoughlin Letters, 1827–49

Canada, since my Brother had assumed the Charge of him, on finding he was going Wrong he should have sent him to the Country till he had Received my answer and since My Brother sent him away in the Manner he did I am convinced that John must have given him I am Grieved to say Ample cause


Terrebonne 13 April 1837

My Dear Sir

I was in due time favored with yours from Fort vancouver 14th February 1836 and I am extremely sorry to find your sons conduct would have proved as to be quite disapproved of. I leave others to discuss the same and wish that their construction of it shall be such as to give you the satisfaction you so richly deserve. I will only mention what I have done for him, and what I am still exerting myself to effect. You will learn from all quarters that your Son John left Montreal last July, to join one named Dixon, whom he qualified the title of General Dixon. He, this individual had collected Twenty Young Men in the United States along with five from this Province all born in the Hudson Bay's Company territories to proceed and meet him at Waterloo U.S. on 1st Augt & from thence to proceed to Santa Fee Mexico by the way of Lake Superior and continue their Expedition inland, engaging the Natives to join as they went along, and endeavour to take St Fee by surprise. this was their plan, but to execute the same was not as readily done, they all there fore reached Waterloo on the appointed Day, and there bought a schooner, to begin their glorious campaign, they then set sail on the Lake to reach their destination, they had not however gone far, before their means of support, seems to have been quite exhausted as they landed on Huron Island where they killed three oxen, and embarked them to furnish their store without either leave or consent of the proprietor who immediately sought protection from the neighbouring authorities, who ordered the Sheriff to pursue them at once with a Steam Boat, and he caught them just at the entrance of [illegible] River, they were of course put into custody untill they had repaired the damage done and were afterwards allowed to continue their expedition How far they have gone, and what they have done is