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McLoughlin Letters, 1827–49

sary information on the subject for I am very anxious to know all its particulars . . . Remember me kindly to your Father and Mother and to Mr and Mrs Ruby in fact to every acquaintance. Believe Me to be

Your Cousin
John McLoughlin


Norway House 11th July 1839

My Dear Uncle

It appears to me but yesterday that I saw you the time seems to pass by remarkable quick. It pained me to see you and your son leaving Mr Lestee's house because I thought thus it was the last moment I shall ever have the pleasure of seeing you I was very comfortable during the voyage except when we first left Montreal on account the weather being very cold I arrived here just in time to bid My Father and Brother John a good day for they were on the point of starting in light Canoes for York Factory therefore I am not able to tell you how My Brother is getting on. The Gentlemen of Hudson's Bay Company and clerks have formed a new Company among themselves independent of the fur Company which goes under the name of Pugets Sound Agricultural Company they have raised a subscription of 200,000£ this summer for the purpose of beginning the affair and My Father is appointed to manage the business in the Country which he is to do besides superintending the Hudson's Bay Company affairs in the Columbia I have taken a share of 100£ in it remember me to those I knew while at Terrebonne Hoping that when you receive this letter you will be in good health I am

Your Truly
David McLoughlin


Fort Vancouver 24th Feby 1840

My Dear Sir

I have the pleasure to inform you that I safely arrived at my old quarters on the 17th Oct last and I much regret that my Business would not allow me in my Visit to the Civilised World to spend a longer time in the Society of my Relations and nothing but its pressing nature could have made me submit to it.