Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 37.djvu/91

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McLoughlin Letters, 1827–49


Oregon City 18th March 1849

My Dear Fraser

You must not expect to receive a long letter this time from me as I have but very little time to spare, preparing for the Gold Mine. this Mine was found last Summer the extent of it is not Known. I believe both California & Oregon is covered with Gold there are gold mines found here but not so rich as the one in California I am now on the eve of starting for the gold region with large numbers of Indians hired to me for a year I hope then to be satisfied for the remainder of my life every one has to do his own work in these days, silver or Gold being no object to any one. This will throw this beautiful Country back for years This time last year men that would be very glad to get employment are now walking about the Street too proud to touch any thing. believe me Money is flying about here in large quantities especially Gold dust I have made for my share these last five months about twenty thousand dollars in Gold dust the Indian is waiting for this letter so you must excuse me remember me to all

I am ever yours
D McLoughlin