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Published by Williams and Norgate. Pfleiderer (Professor 0.) Lectures on the Influence of the Apostle Paul on the Development of Christianity. Translated by the Rev. J. FbedERIOK Smith. Hibhert Lectures, 1885. 8vo, cloth. lO^-. G<1. Poole (Reg. Lane) Illustrations of the History of Medieval Thought, in the Departments of Theology and Ecclesiastical Politics. "8vo, cloth. 10x. G</. Pratt (Dr. II.) New Aspects of Life and Religion. 440 pp. Crown 8vo, cloth. 7* Gd. Protestant Commentary, A Short, on the New Testament, with General and Special Introductions. From the German of Hilgenfeld, Holtz- mann, Lang, Pfleiderer, Lipsius, and others. Translated by the Rev. F. II. Jones, of Oldham. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. each 10a Gd. Vide Theological Translation Fund Library. Penan (E.) On the Influence of the Institutions, Thought and Culture of Rome on Christianity, and the Development of the Catholic Church. By Ernest Renan, Membre de lTnstitute. Translated by the Rev. Charles Beard, of Liverpool. Ilibbert Lectures, 1880. 8vo, cloth. [Cheap Edition, 2*. Gd.] 10a Gd. Ecnouf (P. Le Page) Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Eeli- gion, as illustrated by the Religion of Ancient Egypt. Hibbert Lectures, 1879. 8vo, cloth. 10s. 6d. Eeville (Prof. Albert) Prolegomena of the History of Eeligions. By Albert Reville, D.D., Professor in the College de France, and Hibbert Lecturer, 1884. Translated from the French. With an Introduction by Pro- fessor F. Max Muller. 8vo, cloth. 10a Gd. Vide Theological Translation Fund Library. Eeville (Prof. Albert) Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Ecli- gion, as illustrated by the Native Religions of Mexico and Peru. Translated by the Rev. P. H. Wicksteed, M.A. Hibbert Lectures, 1884. 8vo, cl. 10a Gd. Eeville (Eev. Dr. A.) The Song of Songs, commonly called the Song of Solomon, or the Canticle. Crown 8vo, cloth. 1a G(/. Eeville (Eev. Dr. A.) The Devil : his Origin, Greatness, and Deca- dence. Translated from the French. Second Edition. 12mo, cloth. 2a Ehys (Professor J.) Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion as illustrated by Celtic Heathendom. Hibbert Lectures, 1886. 8vo, cl. 10^. Gd. Samuclson (Jas.) Views of the Deity, Traditional and Scientific ; a Contribution to the Study of Theological Science. By James Samublson, Esq., of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-law, Founder and former Editor of the Quarterly Journal of Science. Crown 8vo, cloth. 4* Gd. Savage (Eev. M. J.) Beliefs about the Bible. By the Eev. M. J. Savage, of the Unity Church, Bostou, Mass., Author of "Belief in God," "Beliefs about Man," &c. &c. 8vo, cloth. 7^ - . Gd.