Page:Origin and history of Glasgow Streets.djvu/48

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Monteith Street (Bridgeton) is also named for Henry Monteith.

Montrose Street, opened in 1787, was named for the Duke. This is one of the steepest streets in the City, and the writer's paternal parent, while attending an educational establishment in it during the early years of last century, was in the habit during the course of a severe winter of tobogganing down the slope in company with his schoolmates. One day, while half a dozen of the little wretches were careering down on their temporary sleigh, the boy in front got skeered, and at this moment Dr. Rankin, of the Ram's Horn Church, which is in the vicinity, came stepping out of Richmond Street, halfway down the slope, carefully watching his footing on the ice-bound street and all unweeting of the avalanche behind. It was on him in an instant, and in rushing past, one of the boys, in desperation, grabbed the reverend gentleman's nether limb, with disastrous results. Instantly his heels were in the air; hat, cane, and spectacles—where, oh, where! He was virtually a wreck, and never thoroughly recovered the shock, dying not long after in February 1827, in ignorance of the author of his unfortunate coup. Montrose is perhaps unduly commemorated in having two streets named for him, but as he is the only Duke on record that had a residence of his own in town, he is perhaps entitled to the extra recognition, as even at the present day the patent nobility seem to eschew this city, every titled personage having a residence in it, with three exceptions, having acquired their honours from civic services.

Mordaunt Street, for Lady Mordaunt, who gained considerable notoriety some years since.

Mount Florida was at first called Mount Floiidon. Advertisements anent these lands can be seen in files of the Glasgow Herald of seventy years ago.

Mount Vernon was named after a tobacco plantation in Virginia.

Muirhead Street (Gorbals) was named for Robert Muirhead,