Page:Origin and spread of the Tamils.djvu/123

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2 Rs, A. 13. RUKMi^i Kalya^ja Maha Kavya by Rajacu^Smapi Bik^ita. Bdited by the Fa^^ts of the Adyar Library and T. R. Chintamani ... 2 0 1933 — 14. Unfubljshed Minor UpaniSads with the Commentary of S'ri Cpanisad Brahma Vogin. Edited by the Papdits of the Adyar Library ... s o 1936— 15. Ten Major UpaniSads with the Commentary of S'rl Upaniijad Brahma Yogin. Edited by the Papdita of the Adyar Library Is'a to Aitareya, Vol. I ... 4 8 Chandogya and B^hadarapyaka, Vol. IT ... 6 0 Vols. 1 and 2 Boards ... 9 8 1937— 16. Melaragamalika of Mah&vaidyanatba S'ivan. Edited by Papciit S. SubrahmanyaSastri ... 2 0 1938— 17. SaAgrahacOpama^i— E dited by Papdit S. Subrahmanya Sastri ... 5 0 18. PEATYABHi]ifX??DAYAM (The Secret of Recognition) with English Translation and Notes by K. P. Leidecker ... 3 0 19. BHAVASAfilKRiNTI-SOTRA AND NXOARJUNA’S BHAVASASI- krXnti S ASTRA — With the Commentary of MaitreyinStha —with English Translation by Papdit N. Aiyaswami Sastri ... 2 4 20. Yoga Upakibads. Translated into English by T. R. Srini- vasa Aiyangar, and Papdit S. Subrahmanya Sastri ... 5 0 21. * Where Theosophy and Science Meet (in four Farts) by a body of experts — Edited by Professor B. B. Kanga, Part 1. Nature— From Macrocosm to Microcosm ... 2 8 Part 2. Man — From Atom to Man ... 2 8 Parts. God — From Humanity to Bivinity ... 2 8 Part 4. Some Practical Applications 2 8 1939— 22. ^tavEDAVYAKHVA, MaDHAVAK^Ta— E dited by Prof. C. Kunban Raja. Vol. I ... 6 C 1940— 23, The Number of Rasas by V. Ragbavan, Bepaitment of Saipskpt. University of Madras ... 3 C 1941— 24. SXmXnya Vedanta Opani?ads— T ranslated into English by T. R, Srinivasa Aiyangar and Papdit S. Subrahmanya Sastri S C 25. BHAGAVADGlTARTHAPRAKASTiKZof Upanisad Brahmayogin (Saipslcpt). Edited by the Papdits of the Adyar Library. 4 C

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