Page:Origin of Certain Place Names in the United States (1905).djvu/16

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[Bull. 258.

John W. Jordan, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for much valuable aid. Names of counties, towns, and natural features were sent by him.

A large amount of material has been drawn from manuscript books compiled by Mr. Watkins, of Beaver, Pennsylvania.

Clarence S. Brigham, Rhode Island Historical Society, for numerous references concerning names in his State.

A. S. Salley, South Carolina Historical Society, Charleston, South Carolina, for much material of value in connection with the State names. Complete lists of county and town names were sent by him, also information concerning his State not otherwise available.

Doane Robinson, Department of History, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, for names of counties and many town names.

Charles P. Garrison, Texas Historical Society, Austin, Texas, for list of town names.

Mrs. E. W. Parker, for county names in Texas. Through her courtesy and kindness were obtained the origins of nearly all the county names of that State.

Joseph A. De Boer, Vermont Historical Society, Montpelier, Vermont, for list of county and town names.

John M. Comstock, Chelsea, Vermont, for list of town names in Orange County.

Virginia Historical Society, for corrected list of names of counties.

Edward N. Fuller, Washington Historical Society, Tacoina, Washington, for references and other assistance.

J. P. Hale, Historical and Antiquarian Society, Charleston, West Virginia, for material in the shape of county and town lists.

Joseph Barry, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, for information relating to towns in that State.

Hu Maxwell, Treasurer, Trans-Allegheny Historical Society, Morgantown, West Virginia, for additions to lists of counties, towns, and natural features in West Virginia.

R. G. Thwaites, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, for much material, valuable suggestions, and references, especially in the way of putting me into communication with other sources of information.

In addition to the above, many courteous and useful letters have been received from county clerks, treasurers, and other State and county officials, all of whom have shown interest and have furnished all the material in their power.


Information was obtained from the following books, two and three authorities being quoted in cases where differing opinions exist concerning origins: