Page:Origin of the Anglo-Saxon Race.djvu/429

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General Index.

Socage tenure, 161
Socmen, Sokemen, 161, 281, 293, 296, 301
Somersetshire, 352 et seq.; Curi place-names in, 361; coscets in, 236; cottars in, 263; Danes in, 356; dialect of, 357; Kentish settlers in, 359; settlers from Sussex in, 353
Sorabian, Sorb, people, 84, 93, 94, 112
Southumbria, 295, 328
Staffordshire, 335, 339, 340; Anglians in, 339, 340
Staple place-names, 9
Stater, a coin, 194
Stormaria, people of, 28, 230
Suevi, people, 23, 30, 267, 287, 302
Suffolk, 281, 286, 288 et seq.; Danes in, 281; dialect of, 292; Frisians in, 286, 290; inheritance in, 288, 290; urns found in, 286
Sumersætas, tribe, 165, 233, 352
Sunninges, people, 267
Surrey, 205 et seq., 258 et seq., 263; settlers from Sussex in, 205; inheritance in, 205, 259
Sussex, 196 et seq., 250; cottars in, 263; Frisians in, 201; hundreds of, 207; inheritance in, 151, 196; mer names in, 151, 200; tenure in, 202; Wends in, 197, 199
Swæfas, vide Suevi
Swalfelda, people, 230
Swan, Sweon, place-names, 140, 302
Sweart personal names, 112, 116
Sweden, ancient provinces of, 63, 142; runes in, 40, 61, 140
Swedes, 138 et seq., 158, 204, 302, 330
Sweons, vide Swedes

Taunton Dean, customs of, 353; Sussex settlement at, 355
Tenants, coscets, 236, 387; cotmanni, 332; cottars, 237, 263, 274; cullery, 310; Læti, 133, 189; malmanni, 332; Venville, 365
Tenure, allodial, 185, 219; cullery, 310; parcenary, 217, 235, 276, 312, 347
Thames valley, settlements in, 264 et seq.; Chaucians in, 268, 272; cottars in, 274; inheritance in, 266, 267, 275 et seq.; urns found in, 273
Theel lands, 148
Thornsæte, tribe, 176, 233
-thorp place-names, 228, 296 et seq., 303, 382
Thuringian Law, 145
Tollenzi, tribe, 327
Tonsetan, Temsetan, tribe, 384
Tremiss, a coin, 195
Trial by compurgation, 172; by ordeal, 166
Tribal law, 163; early jurisdiction, 164; names and rivers, 230
-tun, -ton, place-names, 82, 172, 195
-tye place-names, 205

Udal, vide Allodial
Ugrian tribe, 128, 135
Ultimogeniture, vide Junior right
-um, -un, place-names, 70, 200
Usages of Amsterdam, 255
Usmére people, 384
Uuit, Wit, place-names, 60

Vandals, 85 et seq., 223, 230; connection with Frisians, 70, 71; with Goths, 45, 57, vide Wend
Varini, vide Waring
Venedi, vide Wend
Verania, 47:Vikings, 42, 58, 71, 98, 112, 114, 242
Vita, 297, 299

Wales, Angles in, 377; homesteads in 387; inheritance in, 183, 379; tenure in, 389
Wallerwente, people, 320
Wang place-names, 304, 365
Waring, people, 24, 34, 36, 46, 230, 361
Wealas, 112, 374