Page:Original recipes of good things to eat.djvu/11

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“Diet cures mair than doctors.” (An old Scotch proverb.)

Tomato Soup

Boil 12 tomatoes until they are soft, run through a sieve and add a teaspoon of soda to a quart of pulp. Put a tablespoon of butter in a sauce pan; when it melts add a teaspoon of flour. Add a pint of hot milk, salt, cayenne pepper, and cracker crumbs. When it boils, add the tomatoes. Do not let it boil after the tomatoes have been added. Serve at once.

Mrs. Wilhelmina Albrecht.

Potato Soup

Four medium sized potatoes, 2 medium sized onions, 1 slice bacon or salt pork, salt and pepper to taste; 2 quarts of water. Dice potatoes, onions and bacon, put on to cook in hot water, boil one hour. Serve with bread and butter. Serves five people.

Nellie Gray.

Split Pea Soup

One cup dried split peas, 4 cups water, 1 cup milk, 1 onion, 2 tablespoons butter, 1 teaspoon salt, ¼ teaspoon ground mixed spices, ⅛ teaspoon curry powder. Melt butter in a pot, add onion, minced fine, and spices; stir in hot butter for three minutes. Now add peas and water and boil one hour in a covered pot or until peas will pass through a sieve. Add milk. Bring all to a boil and serve hot.

Mrs. Fox.