Page:Original recipes of good things to eat.djvu/14

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Lima Bean Soup

Two cups lima beans, 4 quarts water, 1 large onion minced fine, 4 tablespoons butter, 2 tablespoons cornstarch, 1 teaspoon celery seed, ¼ teaspoon pepper, 2 small teaspoons salt. Wash beans and soak over night. Pour off the water and put them on to boil in 3 quarts of water. As soon as they boil, add 1 teaspoon of soda and drain. Add 4 quarts of boiling water to the beans and place them where they will simmer for four hours. Add celery seed the last hour of cooking. Cook the onion and butter in stewpan about fifteen minutes and add to the soup. Cook a few minutes together then rub through a sieve. Add cornstarch dissolved in a little cold water. Pepper and salt to taste. Cook twenty minutes and serve.

Mrs. Lillie Trodson, Worthy Matron.

Thick Rice Soup

Two pints of water or stock, salt and pepper to taste; 2 small onions, 2 tablespoons of crisco, 1 cup of rice, 1 cup of canned tomatoes, or 4 fresh ones. Wash and drain rice. Heat crisco in saucepan, add rice and stir constantly until a golden brown. Now add water or stock, onions and tomatoes cut in small pieces, and seasonings. Cook slowly for one hour.

Mrs. Ethel Sorensen.

Peanut Soup

One tumblerful peanut butter, 1 pint water, 1 quart milk, 2 tablespoons cornstarch, 2 small teaspoons salt, 1 sliced onion, 1 cup chopped celery. Put all together in double boiler, except cornstarch. When soup reaches scalding point, mix cornstarch with a little cold milk and add, stirring for five minutes, when it is ready to serve.

Mrs. Lillie Trodson, Worthv Matron.