Page:Original recipes of good things to eat.djvu/22

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Fish Pudding

Mix 1 tablespoon of flour with 1 teaspoon of butter; when melted add 1 cup of milk, and when thick add the beaten yolks of 2 eggs and cook one minute. Remove from fire and add 1 cup of cold cooked fish chopped fine. Season with salt and pepper and mix in whites of eggs beaten stiff. Bake about one hour.

Ethel M. Davis.

Baked Halibut Steak

Trim the steaks, lay them on a roasting pan and for 2 pounds use 1 cup of cream, 1 teaspoon salt and ½ teaspoon of pepper. Dredge the steaks with flour, add the seasoning, then pour over the cream and bake fifteen minutes in a quick oven.

Mrs. F. Moenck.

Broiled Finnan Haddie

Broil in a greased broiler until brown on both sides. Remove to a pan and cover with hot water, let stand ten minutes, drain and place on a platter. Spread with butter, and sprinkle with pepper.

Mrs. Golden.

White Fish Croquettes

Boil 1½ pounds of white fish until done. Cool and pick meat off bones. Make a sauce of ½ cup butter, 1 tablespoon flour, 1 cup milk. Beat until smooth, add a little grated onion, parsley. Pepper and salt to taste. Make day before using. Next morning cut and shape any way you desire. Beat 3 eggs. About 1 loaf of bread crumbs so dry you can sift them. Dip in eggs, then bread crumbs and let stand for a little while. Fry in deep hot fat, in a wire basket.

Lillie Trodson, Worthy Matron.