Page:Original recipes of good things to eat.djvu/27

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"If you attempt the boiling to hurry.

The gas only is wasted;

But in attempting the roasting to hurry

The food as well, isn't fit to be tasted."

Veal Loaf

One and a half pounds ground veal, ½ pound ground salt pork, 1 can tomato soup, 1 stalk celery, 1 green pepper cut fine, 1 large onion, cut fine, salt and pepper. Mix all together and roast about one hour.

Mrs. Elizabeth Kreuter.

Chop Suey

One pound shoulder pork and 1 pound veal, cut small. Fry slowly half hour. Add 1 teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons New Orleans molasses. Fry ten minutes more. Add 1 cup sliced onions, 2 cups celery, cut small. Fry twenty minutes. Sprinkle with flour three times. Boil a few minutes, then add pepper, paprika and Chili sauce. Serve with boiled rice.

Mrs. Bessie Sings.

English Beef

Tenderloin sliced ¾-inch thick and flattened, salt and pepper and a little flour. Brown in hot butter both sides. Fry eggs, place on slices of beef and serve hot.

Mrs. Bettie Sorenson.