Page:Original stories from real life 1796.pdf/172

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my and ſelf-denial are neceſſary in every ſtation, to enable us to be generous, and to act conformably to the rules of juſtice.

Mary may this night enjoy peaceful ſlumbers; idle fancies, fooliſhly indulged, will not float in her brain; ſhe may, before ſhe cloſes her eyes, thank God, for allowing her to be His inſtrument of mercy. Will the trifles that you have purchaſed afford you ſuch heart-felt delight, Caroline?

Selfish people ſave, to gratify their own caprices and appetites; the benevolent curb both, to give ſcope to the nobler feelings of the human heart. When we ſquander money idly, we defraud the poor, and deprive our own ſouls of their moſt exalted food. If you wiſh to be uſeful, govern your deſires, and wait not till diſtreſs obtrudes itſelf—ſearch it out. In the country it is not always attended with ſuch ſhocking circumſtances as at preſent; but in large cities, many garrets contain families, ſimilar to thoſe we have ſeen this afternoon. The money ſpent in indulging the vain
