Page:Orion, an epic poem - Horne (1843, 3rd edition).djvu/125

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Canto II.]
Be lifted to the platform of the morn.
There, by the Goddess beckoned, and beholding
Her face, divine in youth, the lengthened toil
Of the ascent, were but a test of worth,
And hollow sounds of roaring from the sea
Beneath, cause none, who should ascend, to fall.

To Delos now Orion made descent
With Eos, hand in hand, when lofty Night
Advanced her shadowy shoulder on the sky.
Good speed made he with his well-practised hand;
The Harpies slew; the eastward trees hewed down;
And laid the temple open to the morn,
With all her genial beams. Then Eos first
Felt doubt; and trembled as she saw the fane
Gleam with her presence, glancing like the light
Within an angry eye-ball. A keen breeze
Now whistled all around, and as it rose
The high green corn, like rapids tow'rds a fall,
Flowed, wave on wave, before the strenuous wind.
She gazed with a cold cheek, till underneath
The sea, she heard the coming Sun rejoice;
And felt the isle for blest events prepare.
Yet was she silent. The untended Sun,