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2. The vowel a is implicit after all consonants and consonant clusters and is supplied in transliteration, with the following exceptions:
a) when another vowel is indicated by its appropriate sign; and
b) when the absence of any vowel is indicated by the subscript sign ( ୍ ) called hasanta.
3. ବ is used both as a labial and as a semivowel. When it occurs as the second consonant of a consonant cluster, it is transliterated va. When ବ is doubled, it is transliterated bba.
4. Exception: Anusvāra is transliterated by:
a) before gutturals,
b) ñ before palatals,
c) before cerebrals,
d) n before dentals, and
e) m before labials.
5. Candrabindu before guttural, palatal, cerebral, and dental occlusives is transliterated . Before labials, sibilants, semivowels, the aspirate, vowels, and in final position it is transliterated .
6. When doubled, abagraha is transliterated by two apostrophes ( ’’ ).