Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/78

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“Oh! had he placed her but in strong repair,
“Guarded in some good fort, or Paris-town!
“—Since he would trust her to Duke Namus’ care,
“That he should lose her in this way, alone
“Sorts with my wish.[11]—Who would have kept the fair
“Like me, that would for her to death have gone?
“Have kept her better than my heart or sight:
“Who should and could, yet did not what I might.


“Without me, my sweet life, beshrew me, where
“Art thou bestowed, so beautiful and young!
“As some lost lamb, what time the daylight fair
“Shuts in, remains the wildering woods among,
“And goes about lamenting here and there,
“Hoping to warn the shepherd with her tongue;
“Till the wolf hear from far the mournful strain,
“And the sad shepherd weep for her in vain.


“My hope, where art thou, where? In doleful wise
“Dost thou, perchance, yet rove thy lonely round?
“Art thou, indeed, to ravening wolf a prize,
“Without thy faithful Roland’s succour found?
“And is the flower, which, with the deities,
“Me, in mid heaven had placed, which, not to wound,
“(So reverent was my love) thy feelings chaste,
“I kept untouched, alas! now plucked and waste?