Page:Ornithological biography, or an account of the habits of the birds of the United States of America, vol 2.djvu/128

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white ; sides of the neck and the breast dull purplish-grey ; the flanks and under tail-coverts pale brownish-grey.

Length 7½ inches; extent of wings 10½; bill along the ridge 12, along the edge 712; tarsus 1012.

Adult Female. Plate CXIV. Fig. 2.

In its summer dress, the female resembles the male at that season ; but in winter the white lines on the head are less pure, the dark lines are reddish-brown, but the tints of the other parts are nearly similar, these circumstances being the same in the male.

Length 7¼ inches.

The Summer Grape.

Vitis æstivalis, var. Sinuata, Pursh, Flor. Amer. Sept. vol. i. p. 169.

This variety has large cordate leaves, which are less deeply lobed, and with large marginal teeth. It occurs in all the barren lands of the Western Country, particularly in those of Kentucky, Tenessee,and Illinois. Although it seldom attains much strength of stem, it spreads broadly on the bushes, and forms beautiful festoons. The grapes are juicy and agreeable to the taste. They are fully ripe by the middle of August, and remain hanging until destroyed by the frost. When wild pigeons happen to be abundant where it ^rows, they speedily devour the fruit.