Page:Ornithological biography, or an account of the habits of the birds of the United States of America, vol 2.djvu/157

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edged with the same, as are the tail-feathers. Throat, fore-neck, and anterior part of the breast, with a short line over the eye, rich lemon- yellow ; posterior half of the breast, the abdomen, and the lower tail- coverts, white.

Length 5| inches, extent of wings 9J ; bill along the ridge /j,, along the edge f^ ; tarsus |.

The Female resembles the male in external appearance.

The Swamp Snowball.

Hydbangea quercifolia, Willd. Sp. PI. vol. ii. p. 634. Pursh, Flor. Amer. Sept. vol. i. p. 309. — Decanduia Digynia, Linn. SaxifragjE, Juss.

This plant is found on the broken sandy banks bordering small water- courses, and is abundant in such situations in the uplands of Louisiana. It seldom grows beyond the size of a bush. The blossoms are lasting, and although without odour, are pleasing to the eye, on account of their pure white colour when first expanded ; they dry on the stalks, retaining their form, and remaining until winter. The species is characterized by its oblong, deeply sinuate leaves, which are downy beneath, and its ra- diated loosely thyrsiform cymes.