Page:Ornithological biography, or an account of the habits of the birds of the United States of America, vol 2.djvu/264

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moderate length ; tarsus slender, compressed, scutellate before, sharp be- hind ; toes free, the lateral equal, the hind one not much stronger ; claws arched, slender, much compressed, acute.

Plumage soft and blended, with little gloss ; wings rather short, the first and second quills longest ; tail of moderate length, rounded, and emarginate.

Bill light-brown on the ridge and tips, flesh-coloured beneath. Iris ha- zel. Legs pale flesh-coloured. The general colour above is rich olive-green, the coiTcealed parts of the quills and tail dusky-brown ;^ eye margined with a ring of yellowish-white ; throat asli-grey, the rest of the under parts dull greenish-yellow, excepting the sides, under the wings, which are olive-green.

Length 5| inches, extent of wings 8 ; bill along the ridge -j*g, along the edge |*2 ; tarsus 4|.

Adult Female, Plate CXXXVIII, Fig. 2.

The Female resembles the male in the upper parts, but the throat is greenish-yellow, and the rest of the under parts somewhat less richly coloured than those of the male.

Gentiaka saponakia, Willd. Sp. PI. vol. i. p. 1388. Pursh. Fl. Amer. Sept. vol. i. p. 185. — Pentandeia Digynia, Linn. GzntianejE, Juss.

Stem round, smooth ; leaves oblongo-lanceolate, three nerved ; flowers sessile, tufted, terminal and axillar; corolla quinquefid, campanulate, ventricose, with the divisions obtuse, the internal plaits with toothed segments. It grows in meadows and woods, from Canada to Carolina, flowering in August and September.