Page:Ornithological biography, or an account of the habits of the birds of the United States of America, vol 2.djvu/487

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claws dusky. The general colour of the plumage above is dull brownish- green, the rump and tail-coverts light yellowish-green, the edge of the wing at the flexure yellow. On the crown is a spot of bright reddish- orange, more distinct when the feathers are raised. The under parts are of a dull olivaceous yellow, the lower tail-coverts bright yellow. The quills and tail-feathers dark brown, slightly margined with paler.

Length 5^ inches, extent of wings 7^? ; bill along the ridge -/g, along the edge i ; tarsus /g.

Adult Female. Plate CLXXVIII. Fig. 2.

Bill and feet of the same colour as in the male, the former incHned to yellowish -grey beneath. The female wants the orange spot on the crown, but in other respects resembles the male in colour, although the rump and upper tail-coverts are of a darker tint.

Length slightly less than that of the male.

This species appears to form the transition from the Sylvias to the ReguU ; or rather to be alUed to the Reguli on the one hand, and to the Slender-billed Finches on the other.

The Huckleberry.

Vaccinium frondosum, PFilld. Sp. PI. vol. ii. p. 352. Ptersh, Flor. Amer. Sept. vol. i. p. 285 — Decandria Monogynia, Linn. EricjE, Juss.

This plant has already been described at p. 129. of Vol. I. It is very abundant in the pine barrens of the Floridas, where it is in full flower in February, and attains a height of from four to eight feet.