Page:Ornithological biography, or an account of the habits of the birds of the United States of America, vol 2.djvu/511

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the neck pale blue, the feathers edged with dark grey. Back brownish- grey, as are the upper tail-coverts and two middle tail-feathers. Alula brownish-black, as are the ends of the primary-coverts, of which the bases are deep red ; primaries deep red, broadly margined externally, and tip- ped with dusky brown. Secondary quills and their coverts pale grey, tinged with red ; the smaller coverts and scapulars of a reddish colour like that of the breast, and shewing oblong black spots glossed with pur- plish blue and green. Lower wing-coverts and under surface of the wings deep red ; lower tail-coverts brownish-grey, tipped with white. Tail-feathers grey at the base, bluish-black towards the end, more or less tipped with grey, the outermost with a touch of white on its outer edge at the tip.

Length 6| inches, extent of wings 11 ; biU along the back j^^, along the edge ^^ ; tarsus /^.

Adult Female. Plate CLXXXII. Fig. 4.

The female is paler in the tints, the colour above being light brownish- grey, the lower parts much lighter, the throat-feathers broadly margined with dull white. The forehead and wing-coverts are but slightly tinged with red, and the hind neck is less blue than in the male.

Length 6^ inches.

Young Bird. Plate CLXXXII. Fig. 5.

The young resembles the female.

The Wild Orange.

Citrus aurantium, Linn.

You will find all that I know respecting this tree at pages 260 and 360 of the present volume.