Page:Ornithological biography, or an account of the habits of the birds of the United States of America, vol 2.djvu/619

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Page Acadian Owl, 567 Acer spicatum,. 207 Alauda alpestris, 570 Almond, Wild, 340, 521 American Crow, 317 Golden-crested Wren, 476 Robin, 190 SpaiTow Hawk, 246 Starling, 216 Swift, 329 Anona, Purple-flowered, 359 Apple, Seven years', 391 Arbutus uva-ursi, 454 Azalea calendulacea, 566 Orange-leaved, 566 viscosa, 96 Bachman's Finch, 366 Warbler, 483 Ball in Newfoundland, 211 Balsam Fir, 426 Barberry, Canadian, 514 Barbicue, Kentucky, 576 Barn Owl, 403 Barn Swallow, 413 Bay of Fundj', 485 Bignonia capreolata, 83 radicans, 16 Black and Yellow Warbler, 145 Blackberry, 175 Blackbird, Great Crow, 504 Blackburnian Warbler, 208 Black-cap Titmouse, 343 Black-poll W^arbler, 201 Black-throated Blue Warbler,... 309 Black Gum Tree, 204 Black Haw, 328 Blackjack Oak, 107 Black Larch, 459 Black Locust, 23 T^lnfk Snal-p 107 Black Vulture, 33 Black Walnut, 324 Blue Bird, 84 Blue Grosbeak, 140 Blue-headed Pigeon, 411 Blue Jay, H Boat-tailed Grakle, 504 Brown-headed Nuthatch, 151 Bunting, Townsend's, 183 Snow, 515 Burning of the Forests, 397 Butter-nut, 252 Calopogon pulchellus, 23 1 Canada Flycatcher, 17 Canada Grous, 437 Canada Jay, 53 Canadian Barberry, 514 Canadian Columbine, 311 Caprimulgus virginianus, 273 Caracara Eagle, 350 Cardinal Grosbeak, 336 Carolina Titmouse, 341 Carrion Crow, 33 Cat Bird, 171 Cathartes Aura, 296 Jota, 33 Chat, Yellow-breasted, 223 Chelone glabra, 150 Chestnut-oak, I95 Chimney Swallow, 329 Chipping Sparrow, 21 Citrus aurantium, 260, 360, 475 Cloudberry, 542 Coccyzus Seniculus, 390 Cod-fishing 522 Columba cyanocephala, 411 leucocephala, 443 montana, 382 passerina, 471 Zenaida, 2*<l ...