Page:Orthodox Eastern Church (Fortescue).djvu/222

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heaps up abusive epithets. Niketas is no monk, but an epicure, who ought to Hve in a circus or house of bad repute, a dog, an abominable cynic, and is made of the same stuff as the Mohammedans. Incredible as it seems, this language converted Niketas. He publicly retracts his book and curses all the enemies of the Roman Church, becoming "henceforth our friend."[1] There seems no doubt that the Emperor made him do so. Suddenly Pope Leo IX dies (April 19, 1054), just as Nicholas I had died, in the middle of the negotiations. He was not succeeded till a year later by Victor II (1055–1057). Cerularius now refuses to see the Legates and will have nothing more to do with them;[2] he had already taken the final step by striking the Pope's name off his diptych.[3] This was open schism.

The Legates then at last prepare a bull of excommunication. They are still on quite good terms with the Emperor, and they are very careful to say nothing against the Byzantine Church.[4] "As far as the pillars of the Empire are concerned, and its wise and honoured citizens, this city is most Christian and Orthodox." "But we," they go on, "not bearing the unheard-of offence and injury done to the holy Apostolic and first See, wishing to defend in every way the Catholic faith, by the authority of the holy undivided Trinity and of the Apostolic See, whose Legates we are … declare this: That Michael, patriarch by abuse, neophyte, who only took a monk's habit by fear and is now infamous because of many very bad crimes, and with him Leo, called Bishop of Achrida, and the Sacellarius of the said Michael, who with profane feet trampled on the sacrifice of the Latins and all their followers in the aforesaid errors and presumptions shall be Anathema Maranatha … with all heretics, and with the devil and his angels, unless they repent. Amen."[5]

  1. Will, o.c. p. 151. Humbert's "Short account of the things done by the Legates of the Holy Apostolic Roman See in the imperial city."
  2. Ibid.
  3. Ibid. o.c. p. 178.
  4. Ibid. o.c.: the text of the bull, pp. 153–154.
  5. The offences of (not the Eastern Church but) Michael and his party are said to be that they commit simony, make eunuchs, rebaptize Latins, deny all true Church or sacrifice or baptism outside their own Greek body, allow priests' marriage, curse the old law of Moses, deny that the Holy Ghost