Page:Ossendowski - The Fire of Desert Folk.djvu/362

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Alem—A scholar; a sage

Al-lugha—The divine language of the Koran

Andaluza—The name of a song as well as of a dance in southern Spain

Arraf—A seer

Bairam—The great Moslem feast

Barakka—a sarcophagus; a blessing

Berrania—A foreigner

Bled—A village

Bournous—An ordinary cloak or mantle with sleeves and a cowl

Cadi—A magistrate or judge

Chouse—An interpreter, doorkeeper or attendant in a Morocco office

Dia—Compensation for murder; blood-money

Duar—An encampment

Fasi—Inhabitants of the town of Fez

Foggara—A subterranean channel for water

Fonduk—An inn; a store

Garnata—A Moorish song, so called from the early name of Granada

Gitun—A tent

Hafidh—A scholar, versed in, and able to quote fluently from, the Koran

Hadith—The body of Moslem tradition regarding Mahomet

Hadj—The pilgrimage to Mecca and a Mohammedan who has made it

Haik—A part of a woman's dress which covers the face; a part of a man's bournous

Hammam—A warm spring