Page:Ossendowski - The Shadow of the Gloomy East.djvu/153

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people; men and women, grown-ups and mere youths, many little girls amongst them, were crowded into the room. At its far end was placed a table covered with a white sheet, upon which I noticed in the light of a solitary candle a holy picture blackened with age, a large holy water-pot, and a thick volume bound In a wooden cover.

Near the table, which represented an altar, stood a powerfully built peasant, whose long, black hair was girdled over the forehead with a narrow leather strap, and whose patriarchal beard was neatly trimmed.

As soon as the crowd formed in even ranks, and the noise of trampling feet and whispers were silenced, the sturdy peasant read out from the book some ancient Slav text, making signs of the cross over his brow and bosom, kneeling down and bowing to the ground after each sign. I noticed that his movements became every time quicker and more violent, and that the eyes of the congregation were fastened with intent on the "priest." Suddenly the latter leaped to his feet, and exclaiming, "Pray ye, and offer sacrifice," he snatched from a heap of sticks in the corner of the room a rod (in Russian: chlyst), with which he began to beat his head and shoulders. When the rod cut the air with a whizz I was reminded of the bloody mysteries of the dervishes which I had witnessed in Turkey and the Crimea. Meanwhile the "priest" threw off his coat and shirt, uncovering himself to the waist The beating with the rod increased in speed and strength. His back was