Page:Ossendowski - The Shadow of the Gloomy East.djvu/182

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between the late and the actual Prime Minister. The meeting took place in the lobby of the Council of State.

"Your Excellency!" Witte opened the conversation. "Can you tell me when the police inquiries into the double attempt with the infernal machine against my person will be concluded?"

Stolypin looked at Witte suspiciously and answered: "You know, Count, that the inquiries are being carried on. On their conclusion the results will be communicated to the Prosecutor, who will notify you immediately."

"I think," continued Witte, "that the case is rather a mystery, and should be interesting enough for the Government to hurry up with its clarification."

Stolypin, touched to the quick, exclaimed excitedly:

"Do you think, Count, I am an imbecile or a criminal?:

"Allow me, Excellency, not to answer this question of yours," replied Witte emphatically with a mocking smile.

And turning his back on the Prime Minister, he left him pale with rage.

Witte hated the Tsar Nicholas II. I was with Witte at the moment when the Tsar called him on the 'phone, intending to send him to Rome at the beginning of the World War, in order to bring in Italy on the side of the Allies. This meant a diplomatic battle royal with the "old fox" Prince Btilow, the Kaiser's envoy.

"I thank your Imperial Majesty for the honour. I