Page:Ossendowski - The Shadow of the Gloomy East.djvu/49

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Malaya Zyemla, where the nomading tribes possess the secret of intercourse with the dead and the spirits."

"How very interesting!" interjected the doctor. "But you cannot invoke the souls of the dead or the spirits here."

"Yes, I can. I can do it here right away," smiled the shaman. "It will cost you three roubles, gentlemen!"

His voice was imploring and betrayed the fear that we might refuse his offer.

"I shall pay three roubles," agreed the doctor. "Please begin at once!"

"Immediately!" said the shaman with joy, while greedily pocketing the money. "Please sit down at the other end of the room and put the light out."

I had time enough to notice that he took from his pocket a tiny, flat piece of wood which he put to his lips.

We were sitting in darkness and silence. From the neighboring cottage entered through the window the scanty light of a petrol lamp. Still we were able to see the shaman's black figure standing immovably near the door. All of a sudden a faint, scarcely audible sound was heard like the buzzing of a fly entangled in a spider's net.

The sound became gradually louder till it seemed to fill the whole space of the room. It split into tens, hundreds of tunes, which reverberated against the panes of the window, the papered ceiling, the walls; the