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Yarrow;" a dramatic poem, entitled " The Lovers ;" " A Visit to the Country in Autumn ;" and some hymns.

Hymns 104 and 400 in the " New Congregational Hymn Book" are erroneously attributed to Logan. They are by Michael Bruce, vide under his name ; but Logan may have made some verbal alterations in them before appropriating them. Logan succeeded in throwing a mist of uncertainty around the claims of Bruce, but it is quite certain that in the ease of Doddridge s hymn

" God of Bethel, by whose hand," No. 285,

Logan adopted it as his own without any acknowledgment. Dod dridge s collection appeared in 1755. This hymn of his had been given in the Scotch "Paraphrases, &c.," in 1745, having been written by him, as his MS. shows, as early as 1736 ; and Logan claimed it, slightly altered either by Bruce or himself, in 1781.


Vide under the following name.


17491809. " Come, Thou soul-transforming Spirit." Kfo. 788.

THIS hymn was written by the Rev. Jonathan Evans, an earnest evangelical minister of the Congregational body. He was a successful preacher in the villages of Warwickshire, and founded a Congregational church at Foleshill, near Coventry. He began preaching at Foleshill in 1782, and commenced his stated ministry there in 1795. He had been a member of the church at Coventry under the pastorate of the Bev. George Burder. He was ordained to the ministry, April 4th, 1799, and Mr. Burder gave the charge. The discourses preached on the occasion were afterwards published. He died, after a few days illness, August 31st, 1809, aged sixty years. The above hymn is attributed to him in the B,ev. George

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