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student entered into the controversy and resolved to join the seceders. He became a member of Mr. Swing s church.

Subsequently he gathered a congregation, and, with the assist ance of friends, erected a chapel in Albion Street, Glasgow. Eight years after, he added to his pastoral duties those of a Pro fessor in the Theological A cademy that was then founded by the Congregationalists. He filled both offices till his death, and for twenty-four years received no remuneration for his professorial work. In 1819 his increased congregation removed to a much larger chapel they had erected in West George Street, at a cost of more than 10,000. In the year 1853, ministers of all denomi nations joined to celebrate with every mark of respect the jubilee of Dr. Wardlaw s ministry. He had been invited to the presi dency of Hoxton Academy, in 1817, to that of Spring Hill College, in 1837, and to Lancashire Independent College in 1812, but had declined each gratifying and honourable invitation. He re ceived his diploma of D.D. from Yale College in 1818. Dr. Wardlaw married early, having been united to his cousin Jane, daughter of the Rev. Mr. Smith, of Dunfermline, in August, 1803. Of his numerous children one honourably represents his father in the Congregational ministry, the Rev. J. S. Wardlaw, M.A., for merly a missionary in Bellary, and now Principal of the Mission College, Highgate, London.

Dr. Wal dlaw possessed a mind of great grasp and power. The bent of it was towards careful analysis and sound reasoning. He had skill to distinguish things that differed, and felt at home in polemics and philosophy ; yet he was not without the play of wit and the graces of a refined taste. Every noble public object found in him an earnest advocate. In everything he was the divine ; his philosophy as well as his religion being built on Bible truth. As an author, Dr. Wardlaw was widely known : one of his principal works was entitled "Discourses on the Principal Points of the Socinian Controversy." This work went through several editions. Ho was also the author of " Unitarianism In capable of Vindication." His work on " Christian Ethics,"

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