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therein, to seek the gospel they needed amongst dissenters. Their work in training their son was happily furthered by the education and ministry of Mr. Bull, and the youth was found car rying on prayer meetings with his schoolfellows, and early desiring to prepare for the ministry.

After a time he left Newport Pagnell, and returned home to assist his father in his business. But the desire for the ministry continued to burn within him, and he improved his leisure by preparative studies in Hebrew and theology, and in 1778 he began to read with the Rev. Thomas Clarke, a clergyman at Chesham Bois. In 1780 he entered Magdalen Hall, Oxford, where he graduated B.A. in 1784. The same year he became curate of Abbott s Langley, Herts. In 1786 he married Rebecca, daughter of Abraham Coles, of St. Albans. He graduated M.A. in 1787. Very earnest in his piety, wide in his sympathies, and thorough in his attainments, he at length found, in 1786, a suitable sphere in London as curate to the celebrated Romaine, whom he succeeded nine years after in the living of St. Ann s, Blackfriars. Mr. Goode also held lectureships in other parishes in London, and from 1791 engaged in useful literary work. He took a deep interest in the missionary societies, and was one of the founders of the Church Missionary Society. It was while on a journey to advocate its claims that he contracted a disease which, in its effects, terminated his life. He died on the 15th April, 1816. Amongst his last words were: "Dear Jesus," "Precious Jesus."

Besides the version of the Psalms, Mr. Goode published a volume of sermons in 1812, and ten essays on the Scripture titles of Christ in the " Christian Guardian," 18131816. These, with numerous other essays by him, were published post humously in six volumes, edited by his son, in 1822, with the title, " Essays on all the Scriptural Names and Titles of Christ ; or, the Economy of the Gospel Dispensation, as exhibited in the Person, Character, and Offices of the Redeemer."

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