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Vain Attempt to subsidise the Peishwa – Hostile Feelings between the Houses of Scindia and Holkar – Battle of Poonah, in which Holkar defeats Scindia and the Peishwa – The Latter applies for Assistance to the English – Treaty of Bassein – Scindia and the Rajah of Berar determine to oppose it – Combined Movements of the Governor-General against the Mahratta Chiefs – General Wellesley advances from Mysore, and effects a Junction with the Nizam's Subsidiary Force, under Colonel Stevenson – General Wellesley makes a Forced March upon Poonah – The Peishwa reinstated on the Musnud – Duplicity and Evasions of Scindia and Raghojee Bhoonsla – Attack and Capture of Ahmednuggur – Storm and Capture of Baroach – General Wellesley enters Aurungabad – Marches against the Confederate Chieftains – Battle of Assaye – Capture of Burhampoor and Asseerghur – Scindia sues for Peace – Defeat of the Rajah of Berar at the Battle of Argaum – Storming and Capture of Gawilghur – Devoted Bravery of the Rajpoot Commanders – Dreadful Self-sacrifice of Rajpoot Females – Glorious Termination of the War 275


War in the Upper Provinces – Operations against the French Native Army under Perrou – Storming and Capture of Aleeghur – Surrender of Perrou – Dissolution of his Force at the Battle of Delhi – The British Troops enter Delhi – Pitiable Condition of the Great Mogul – He claims and receives the Protection of the British – Titles bestowed by Shah Aulum on Lord Lake – Agra capitulates to the British – Immense Prize Money – Submission of Cuttack to the British arms – Battle of Laswarree – Destruction of Scindia's Battalions, the "Deccan Invincibles" – Extensive Cessions of Territory made by Scindia – Expedition of the sham Dhoondia Waugh – His Force surprised and cut up by General Campbell – Valuable Booty taken on the Occasion 294


Holkar threatens the British – Lord Lake and General Wellesley are ordered to proceed against him – Strength of Holkar's Army – Capture of Tonk Rampoora by the British – Lord Lake retires on Agra – Dreadful Sufferings of his Troops – Colonel Monson in pursuit of Holkar captures Hingslaighur – Retrograde Movement of Colonel Murray emboldens Holkar to cross the Chumbul – Colonel Monson retreats, hotly pursued by Holkar – Destruction of the British Cavalry – Brave Resistance of Monson's Troops – Their Disasters and desperate Condition – Arrival of the Remnant at Agra – A fresh Army under Lord Lake proceeds against Holkar – The Latter lays siege to Delhi – Its admirable Defence – Battle of Deeg – Lord Lake surprises and disperses Holkar's Army at Furruckabad – Capture of Deeg – Memorable Siege of Bhurtpore 309


Discontent excited in the Madras Army by General Regulations – The Mutiny at Vellore – Dreadful Slaughter of Europeans – Gallant Defence of the 69th – Fortunate Escape of an Officer to Arcot – Energetic Proceedings of Colonel Gillespie – The Mutiny quelled by the 19th Light Dragoons – Punishment of the Mutineers – The War in Travancore – Treachery and Hostility of the Dewan – Horrible Murder of thirty-four Soldiers of the 12th Regiment – Operations against Travancore – Storming of the Lines of Arumbooly – Submission of Travancore and Death of the Dewan – Revolt of the Officers of the Madras Army – Its Causes and Consequences – Hostile Proceedings of the Government and the Revolted Officers – Sir George Barlow's Test and its Effects – Sanguinary Proceeding at Seringapatam – Submission of the Revolted Officers 336