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– He determines to force the Khyber Pass – His triumphant Success – Capture of Ali Musjid – General Pollock arrives at Jellalabad – General Nott at Candahar – Fall of Ghuznee – Civil War at Cabul – The British Troops advance on Cabul – Destruction of Ghuznee by General Nott – General Pollock arrives at Gundamuk – The Enemy defeated at Jugduluk – Total Defeat of the Affghans at Tazeen – The British Armies arrive at Cabul – Capture of Istaliff – Release of the Prisoners – Return of the Armies to India 557


Retrospective Glance at Sinde – Our Commercial and Political Relations with that Country – Imputed Treachery of the Ameers – A British Army assembles at Sukkur under Sir Charles Napier – He advances on Hyderabad – The Beloochees attack the British Residency – Escape of the Commissioner – Battle of Meeanee – Surrender of the Ameers – Treasure taken at Hyderabad – Battle of Dubba – Final Defeat of the Beloochees, and Annexation of Sinde – Affairs of Gwalior – Dreadful State of that Country – Intervention of the Governor-General – British Troops advance from Agra – Battles of Maharajpoor and Punnear – Submission of the Refractory, and Settlement of the Country 573


The first Punjaub War – Description of the Sikhs – They resolve to invade the British Territory – Preparations to repel the Invasion – The Sikhs cross the Sutledge – Battle of Moodkee and Defeat of the Sikhs – Death of Sir Robert Sale – Battle of Ferozeshuhr – Night Engagement – Signal Defeat of the Sikhs – Battle of Aliwal – Glorious Victory over the Sikhs at Sobraon – The British Troops cross the Sutledge – Capture of Lahore – Conclusion of the War 589


Fresh Insurrection in the Punjaub – Treacherous Conduct of the Governor of Mooltan – Murder of Mr. Vans Agnew and Lieutenant Anderson – Alarming Conspiracy discovered at Lahore – The Sikhs raise the Standard of Revolt – Successful Diversion of Lieutenant Edwardes – Defeat of the Mooltan Troops by Col. Cortlandt and Lieutenant Edwardes – Mooltan invested by the British under General Whish – Defection of Shere Singh – Junction of the Sikh Forces – Advance of the British under the Commander-in-Chief – Siege of Mooltan – Dreadful Explosion – Surrender of Mooltan – Battle of Chillianwallah – Battle of Goojerat, and final Extinction of the Sikh Army – The Punjaub annexed to our Empire in the East – Conclusion 608