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were followed by Chunda Sahib and the French, and the conflict of interests between the French and English seemed on the point of final termination in the complete ascendancy of the former power, when the energetic bravery of one individual turned the scale, and really laid the foundations of the magnificent empire of British India.

Clive, who was then a captain in the service, suggested an attack upon Arcot, as a diversion, and offered himself to lead the expedition. His offer was accepted; but he could only be spared for the occasion three hundred Sepoys and two hundred Europeans. He had only eight officers, six of whom had never been in action; and with this small body, together with three field-pieces, he marched to the attack of Arcot, which was garrisoned by eleven hundred men.

On the 30th of August, 1751, they approached the city through a violent storm of thunder and rain, marching with such unconcern amidst the war of elements that the garrison abandoned the fort in a panic, and the English passed through a hundred thousand spectators to take possession of it. Clive, however, did not coop himself up in the fort, but on the 14th of September attacked the enemy's camp in the vicinity, and dispersed its occupants in every direction, without the loss of a man from his own force; he also defeated an attack which the enemy subsequently made on the fort with a large force of infantry and cavalry.

The acquisition of Arcot, as had been foreseen, operated as a diversion in favour of the English at Trichinopoly, Chunda Sahib having detached four thousand Sepoys to act against Clive. These being joined by one hundred and fifty French from Pondicherry, entered the town on the 23rd of September; but on the 24th Clive made a sally and drove the French from their guns. On this occasion he had a narrow escape from death; for a Sepoy that was taking aim at him from a window was baffled in his object by Clive being dragged aside by an officer