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List of Publications,

Ballad Poetry of the Affections. By Robert Buchanan.

The King and the Commons. A Selection of Cavalier and Puritan Songs. EditedbyProfessorMorley.

Essays in Mosaic. By Thos. Ballan- tyne.

My Uncle Toby ; his Story and his Friends. Edited by P. Fitz- gerald.

Reflections ; or, Moral Sentences and Maxims of the Duke de la Roche- foucauld.

Socrates : Memoirs for English Readers from Xenophon's Memo- rabilia. By Edw. Levien.

Prince Albert's Golden Precepts

Bayard Series (continued) :

Words of Wellington : Maxims and Opinions of the Great Duke.

Dr. Johnson's Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia. With Notes.

Hazlitt's Round Table. With Bio- graphical Introduction.

The Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia, and the Letter to a Friend. By Sir Thomas Browne, Knt.

Coleridge's Christabel, and other Imaginative Poems. With Preface by Algernon C. Swinburne.

Lord Chesterfield's Letters, Sen- tences, and Maxims. With In- troduction by the Editor, and Essay on Chesterfield by M. de Ste.-Beuve, of the French Aca- demy. A Case containing 12 Volumes, price 31*. (td. ; or the Case separately, price y. 6ct.

Behnke and Browne. Child's Voice. Small 8vo, $s. 6d.

Beyschlag. Female Costume Figures of various Centuries. 12 designs in portfolio, imperial. 2is.

Bickersteth (Bishop E. H.} The Clergyman in his Home.

Small post 8vo, is. Evangelical Churchmanship and Evangelical Eclecticism.

8vo, is. From Year to Year: Original Poetical Pieces. Small

post 8vo, 3-f. 6d. ; roan, 6s. and $s. ; calf or morocco, icxr. 6d. Hymnal Companion te the Book of Common Prayer.

May be had in various styles and bindings from id. to 31.?. 6</. Price

List and Prospectus will be forwarded on application. The Master's Home- Call ; or, Brief Memorials of Alice

Frances Bickersteth. 2Oth Thousand. 32mo, cloth gilt, u.

The Master's Will. A Funeral Sermon preached on

the Death of Mrs. S. Gurney Buxton. Sewn, 6d. ; cloth gilt, i s.

The Reef, and other Parables. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d.

The Shadow of the Rock. A Selection of Religious

Poetry. i8mo, cloth extra, 2s. dd. TJie Shadowed Home and the Light Beyond. New

Edition, crown 8,vo, cloth extra, 5.1-. A 2