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List of Publications. 13

"LJALFORD (F. M.) Floating Flies, and how to Dress them. ^ * Coloured plates. 8vo, 1 5-r. ; large paper, 30*.

Hall (W. W.) How to Live Long; or, 1408 Health Maxims, Physical, Mental, and Moral, and Edition, small post 8vo, 2s.

Hamilton (E.) Recollections of Fly-fishing for Salmon, Trout, and Grayling. With their Habits, Haunts, and History. Illustrated, small post 8vo, 6s. ; large paper (100 numbered copies), lor. 6d.

Hands (71) Numerical Exercises in Chemistry. Cr. 8vo, 2S. 6d. and 2s. ; Answers separately, 6d.

Hardy (Thomas'). See Low's STANDARD NOVELS.

Harland (Marian) Home Kitchen : a Collection of Practical and Inexpensive Receipts. Crown 8vo, $s.

Harley (T.) Southward Ho I to the State of Georgia. $s.

Harper's Magazine. Published Monthly. 160 pages, fully Illustrated, is. Vols., half yearly, I. XII. (December, 1880, to November, 1886), super- royal 8vo, 8s. 6d. each.

" ' Harper's Magazine ' is so thickly sown with excellent illustrations that to count them would be a work of time ; not that it is a picture magjazine, for the engravings illustrate the text after the manner seen in some of our choicest Editions deluxe." St. "James's Gazette.

" It is so pretty, so big, and so cheap. . . . An extraordinary shillingsworth 160 large octavo pages, with over a score of articles, and more than three times as many illustrations." Edinburgh Daily Review.

" An amazing shillingsworth . . . combining choice literature of both nations." Nonconformist.

Harper's Young People. Vols. I.-IL, profusely Illustrated with woodcuts and 12 coloured plates. Royal 4to, extra binding, each 7*. 6d. ; gilt edges, 8.r. Published Weekly, in wrapper, \d. I2mo. Annual Subscription, post free, 6.r. 6d. ; Monthly, in wrapper, with coloured plate, (>d. ; Annual Subscription, post free, Js. 6d.

Harrison (Mary) Skilful Cook : a Practical Manual of Modern Experience. Crown 8vo, 5^.

Hatton (Frank} North Borneo. With Biography by JOSEPH HATTON. New Map, and Illustrations, i8.r.

Hatton (Joseph) Journalistic London : with Engravings and Portraits of Distinguished Writers of the Day. Fcap. 4to, I2s. 6d.

Three Recruits, and the Girls they left behind them.

Small post 8vo, 6^.

" It hurries us along in unflagging excitement." Times.

Heath (Francis George) Fern World. With Nature-printed Coloured Plates. Crown 8vo, gilt edges, 12s. 6d. Cheap Edition, 6s.