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Sampson Low, Mars t 'on, & Co.'s List of Publications. 31

J/f/ r AHL (IV. H.} Galvanoplastic Manipulation for the

Electro- Plater. 8vo, 35 s.

Wakefield. Aix-les-Bains : Bathing and Attractions. 2s. 6d. Wallace (Z.) Ben Hur: A Tale of the Christ. Crown 8vo, 6*. Waller (Rev. C. H.} The Names on the Gates of Pearl,

and other 'Studies. New Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, $s. 6(7. -- A Grammar and Analytical Vocabulary of the Words in

the Greek Testament. Compiled from B aider's Concordance. Parti.

Grammar. Small post 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d. Part II. Vocabulary, 2s. 6d.

- Adoption and the Covenant. On Confirmation. 25. 6d. -- : Silver Sockets ; and other Shadows of Redemption.

Sermons at Christ Church, Hampstead. Small post 8vo, 6s. Walton (/*.) Wallet Book, ClolDLXXXV. 2 is. ; 1. p. 42 s.

- (T. H.) Coal Mining. With Illustrations. 4to, 255. Warner (C. TJ.) My Summer in a Garden. Boards, is. \

leatherette, is. 6d. ; cloth, 2s. Warren (W. F.~) Paradise Found; the North Pole the Cradle

of the Human Race. Illustrated. Crown 8 vo, I2s. 6d. Washington Irving s Little Britain. Square crown 8vo, 65-. Watson (P. B.} Marcus Aurclius Antoninus. 8vo, 155". Webster. ("American Men of Letters.") i8mo, zs. 6d. Weir (Harrison) Animal Stories, Old and New, told in Pic-

tures and Prose. Coloured, &c., Illustrations. 56 pp., 4te, 5.?. Wells (H. P.) American Salmon Fisherman. 6s. -- Fly Rods and Fly Tackle. Illustrated. 105. 6d.

-- (J. W.} Three Thousand Miles through Brazil. Illus-

trated from Original Sketches. 2 vols. 8vo, 32^. Wheatley (H. B.} and Delamotte (P. H.) Art Work in Porce-

lain. Large 8vo, 2s. 6d. -- Art Work in Gold and Silver. Modern. 2s. 6d.

- Handbook of Decorative Art. los. 6d. Whisperings. Poems. Small post 8vo, gilt edges, 3^. 6d. White (R. Grant) England Without and Within. Crown 8vo,

ioj. 6</.

- Every -day English, los. 6d. Words, &c.

- Fate of Mansfield Humphreys, the Episode of Mr. 1$. Washington Adams in England, an Apology, &c. Crown Svo, 6^.

- -- Studies in Shakespeare. ios. 6d.

Words and their Uses. New Edit., crown Svo,

Whittier (/. .) The King's Missive, and later Poems. iSmo, choice parchment cover, 3^. 6d.