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He was married to Miss Carrie Rand, of Oakland, Cal., February 7, 1896.

Mr. Sterling's works include "The House of Orchids," "The Testimony of the Suns" and "A Wine of Wizardy."

Louis Untermeyer

In the dedication of "These Times," by Louis Untermeyer, he has written "To Robert Frost, Poet and Person." Were these too few and inadequate comments on Mr. Untermeyer's work to bear a dedication it would read, "To Louis Untermeyer, Poet and Friend of Poets"—for his talents, both as poet and critic, have fallen upon fertile soil.

Mr. Untermeyer’s verses have appeared in various magazines, and include "First Love," "Challenge—and Other Poems," "Heinrich Heine," a translation of 325 poems, and "These Times."

His poems show a broad horizon as a creator and interpreter. Of this last characteristic one needs but turn to his translations of Heine, which are among the best that have been done.

As a realist, note the following from "On the Palisades":

Like a blue snake uncoiled,
The lazy river, stretching between the banks,
Smoothed out its rippling folds, splotchy with sunlight,
And slept again, basking in silence,
A sea-gull chattered stridently;
We heard, breaking the rhythms of the song,
The cough of the asthmatic motor-boat
Sputtering toward the pier. . . .

And stillness again,