Page:Our knowledge of the external world.djvu/261

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Peano, 40.

Perspectives, 88 ff., 111.

Philoponus, 171 n.

Philosophy and ethics, 26 ff.

and mathematics, 185 ff.
province of, 17, 26, 185, 236.
scientific, 11, 16, 18, 29, 236 ff.

Physics, 101 ff., 147, 239, 242.

descriptive, 224.
verifiability of, 81, 110.

Place, 86, 90.

at and from, 92.

Plato, 4, 19, 27, 46, 63, 165 n., 166, 167.

Poincare, 123, 141.

Points, 113 ff., 129, 158.

definition of, vi, 115.

Pragmatism, 11.

Prantl, 174.

Predictability, 229 ff.

Premisses, 211.

Probability, 36.

Propositions, 52.

atomic, 52.
general, 55.
molecular, 54.

Pythagoras, 19, 160 ff., 237.

Race-course, Zeno's argument of, 171 ff.

Realism, new, 6.

Reflexiveness, 190 ff.

Relations, 45.

asymmetrical, 47.
Bradley's reasons against, 6.
external, 150.
intransitive, 48.
multiple, 50.
one-one, 203.
reality of, 49.
symmetrical, 47, 124.
transitive, 48, 124.

Relativity, 103, 242.

Repetitions, 230 ff.

Rest, 136.

Ritter and Preller, 161 n.

Robertson, D. S., 160 n.

Rousseau, 20.

Royce, 50.

Santayana, 46.

Scepticism, 66, 67.

Seeing double, 86.

Self, 73.

Sensation, 25, 75, 123.

and stimulus, 139.

Sense-data, 56, 63, 67, 75, 110, 141, 143, 213.

and physics, v, 64, 81, 97, 101 ff., 140.
infinitely numerous? 149, 159.

Sense-perception, 53.

Series, 49.

compact, 132, 142, 178.
continuous, 131, 132.

Sigwart, 187.

Simplicius, 170 n.

Simultaneity, 116.

Space, 73, 88, 103, 112 ff., 130.

absolute and relative, 146, 159.
antinomies of, 155 ff.
perception of, 68.
of perspectives, 88 ff.
private, 89, 90.
of touch and sight, 78, 113.

Spencer, 4, 12, 236.

Spinoza, 46, 166.

Stadium, Zeno's argument of, 134 n., 175 ff.

Subject-predicate, 45.

Synthesis, 157, 185.

Tannery, Paul, 169 n.

Teleology, 223.

Testimony, 67, 72, 82, 87, 96, 212.

Thales, 3.

Thing-in-itself, 75, 84.

Things, 89 ff., 104 ff., 213.

Time, 103, 116 ff., 130, 155 ff, 166, 215.

absolute or relative, 146.
local, 103.
private, 121.

Uniformities, 217.

Unity, organic, 9.

Universal and particular, 39 n.

Volition, 223 ff.

Whitehead, vi, 207.

Wittgenstein, vii, 208 n.

Worlds, actual and ideal, 111.

possible, 186.
private, 88.

Zeller, 173.

Zeno, 129, 134, 136, 165 ff.