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his mind in accordance with Truth before he has overcome the slavery of his body? As the intricate subtleties of language cannot be apprehended and wielded before the alphabet and the simplest words are mastered, neither can the deep subtleties of the mind be understood and purified before the A B C of right conduct is perfectly acquired. As for the labour involved—does not the youth joyfully and patiently submit himself to a seven-years’ apprenticeship in order to master a craft? And does he not day by day carefully and faithfully carry out every detail of his master’s instructions, looking forward to the time when, perfected through obedience and practice, he shall be himself a master? Where is the man who sincerely aims at excellence in music, painting, literature, in any trade, business, or profession, who is not willing to give his whole life to the acquirement of his particular perfection? Shall, then, labour be considered where the very highest excellence is concerned—the